Looking for some quick and easy recipes? Here they are! A collection of some of my favorite Mexican recipes over the years. Just a few good ones to get you going. The salsa is the best salsa recipe you'll find. Do NOT waste money of jarred salsa. That stuff is crap. Spend $2.50 or less on a can of tomatoes (As much as Id prefer fresh....trust me on this....the can of tomatoes is the secret ingredient). This recipe is so stupidly easy you'll wonder why you haven't been making it for years. Happy Cinco de Mayo!
Restaurant Quality Salsa
From blog: http://diaryofahealthnut.blogspot.com/2013/05/feliz-cinco-de-mayo-belated.htmlIf you like more heat, add more jalapeno, or add habanero! This is a fairly mild salsa, but as my husband (a self proclaimed hot pepper connoisseur, has noticed, jalapenos vary tremendously in heat. While generally considered mild, we have come across plenty that have been as hot as habaneros. Make the recipe as it is below, taste and if you need it hotter, just add more in.)
1 28oz can whole peeled tomatoes
1/3 onion (use yellow or red, whichever you have on hand)
1 large garlic clove
1/2 jalapeno
Juice of 1/2 lime
1/2 c cilantro (stems and all...just pack it into a 1/2 cup)
1/2-1 tsp salt (to taste)
pinch sugar
Process all in a food processor. Start by only using 1/2 jalapeno and 1/2 tsp salt. Add more as needed.
Knock Your Socks Off Margarita on the Rocks
From blog: http://diaryofahealthnut.blogspot.com/2013/05/feliz-cinco-de-mayo-belated.html
Serves 2. This makes a small sipping drink, so choose glasses that are relatively small.
1 Lime
1 shot Cointreau
2 shots organic tequila
4 drops liquid stevia extract
pink Himalayan sea salt
Using a lime wedge, wet the rim of each glass. Rim each glass in salt. Cut the lime in half and cut each half into 4 wedges. Place 4 wedges in each glass with 1/2 shot Cointreau in each and muddle. Top with several ice cubes and pour 1 shot tequila and 2 drops each stevia into each glass. Stir lightly. Bottoms up!
Summer Lovin' Ceviche
From blog: http://diaryofahealthnut.blogspot.com/2013/05/you-put-lime-in-the_20.htmlMakes enough for an appetizer for 6-8 people
1 1/2lb your choice mix of shrimp (peeled & deveined), scallops, cubed halibut or cubed sea bass.
Juice of 8 limes
1/2 medium red onion, diced
1 clove garlic, minced
1 medium tomato, seeded and diced
1/4 c seeded, peeled and diced cucumber
2 green onions, diced (white and green parts)
1/2 bunch cilantro, chopped
1/2 jalapeƱo, diced
generous pinch salt
generous pinch pepper
small pinch sugar
Put seafood into a shallow bowl. Pour lime juice over and add remaining ingredients. Toss together, cover and refrigerate for 4 hours, stirring occasionally so that all of the seafood gets coated and 'cooks'. Serve cold with a slotted spoon to lightly drain the juice off. If not serving all of it at once, keep the remaining ceviche stored in the juice in the fridge.
**Note: Oh yeah....this recipe is also naturally Gluten-Free and if you are vegetarian, I am that covered too! Just substitute roughly chopped oyster mushrooms and add a dash of black Hawaiian salt. The oyster mushrooms have a briny flavor, much like seafood and the black Hawaiian salt has a little ocean-y flavor. Just a dash so it doesn't overpower.
Street Tacos
1/3 c finely chopped white Onion
1/3 c chopped Cilantro
Juice of 1 Lime
1-2 Tbsp Oil made for high heat cooking
1 Bag either Gardein 'Beef' Tips (You can use another meat substitute but I think these are the best for this!)
1/4 c White Vinegar
1/4 c Soy Sauce, Tamari or Braggs Liquid Aminos (<--can be used interchangeably. I used Braggs)
1 tsp Worcestershire Sauce (or vegan Worcestershire sauce)
1 tsp chili powder
1/4 tsp garlic powder
non-stick cooking spray
Corn tortillas
Lime wedges
Mix first 3 ingredients and set aside. Heat the oil in a skillet over medium-high heat. Add your 'meat'. As soon as the meat starts to cook add the vinegar, Braggs, Worcestershire, chili powder and garlic powder. If using Gardein, use a spatula to break apart the 'meat' chunks in the skillet as they soften to make smaller pieces. Stir the meat in the skillet until most or all of the liquid has evaporated. Remove from heat.
If you have a flat-top stove, just use the stove top itself. This will make a mess, but the results are the best. If you don't have a flat top stovetop, then use a cast iron skillet or flat griddle. Turn the heat on a small burner to medium. (If using skillet or griddle, turn heat to med-high and wait for it to heat up) Spray the non-stick spray directly onto one side of the corn tortilla in a circle around its perimeter. Throw it oil-side down onto the burner. Use a spatula to move it around so the oil coats the entire side and while its cooking, spray the side that's facing up. After about 30 seconds, before the edges get crisp, flip it over. Before the edges are crisp, Remove to a plate. Repeat with as many tortilla as you'll need. This oils up and softens the shells, just like the authentic ones.
Now, fill each tortilla with just a little bit of meat (authentic ones are not stuffed...they use minimal filling so you can almost fold it over taquito-style.
Pico de Gallo (aka Salsa Fresca)
2 Lg Tomatoes, chopped
1/2 c Cilantro, chopped
Juice of 1/2 Lime
1/4 c Red Onion, diced
2 Cloves Garlic, minced
1/2 - 1 Whole Hot Pepper of Choice. I used 1/2 Serrano. My husband prefers a whole habanero. If you like it milder, use 1/2-1 jalapeno.
S & P to taste
dash extra virgin olive oil
dash red wine vinegar
1 tsp Dulse granules (optional - I add it without telling anyone to boost the mineral content...it's loaded!!! and no one is the wiser. Shhhh....)
Toss all ingredients together in a bowl and serve with your favorite tortilla chips.

Raw Tacos
Romaine Lettuce Leaves or green leaf lettuce
Taco Nut Meat
Tomato, seeded and chopped
Cilantro, chopped
Avocado, chopped
Limes, cut into wedges
Easy Taco Nut Meat
1 C Raw Walnuts
1/2 C Sunflower Seeds
1/3 C Sundried Tomatoes, coarsely chopped
2 Tbsp Shoyu
1 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
3 Tbsp Chili Powder
Put all ingredients into food processor and pulse until well combined and 'meaty'. Do not process into
Spoon a few Tablespoons of the Nut Meat onto romaine leaves, top with tomatoes, cilantro and
avocado. Squeeze some lime onto it and you’re done!
Variation: Use pico de gallo or guacamole instead of plain ‘ol tomatoes and avocados.