It's no wonder obesity is a growing epidemic. And our children are physically maturing faster than ever. 2 Fun Facts about Milk aside from the phenomenal scientific evidence that it promotes cancer growth at a rapid rate: 1. America is one of the absolute top consumers of dairy products, thanks to big business's parading around movie stars adorning a cow's breastmilk on their upper lips and funding our public school lunch programs. AND America has one of the highest rates around the world for hip fractures, bone issues and other calcium-related diseases. Hmmm....aren't we forcefed milk on the premise that it "does a body good'? Not so. Number 2: As dairy consuming Americans who generally glug milk from factory farms where tons of other gross-ness gets to enter the supply (like pesticides, hormones, pus from mastitis, etc) we ENTER puberty earlier than most countries around the world and EXIT LATER...meaning, women...enjoy your period for 5-10 more years than other women across the globe. Thanks to those hormones you ingest you can bet you'll be at breeding age far longer than nature intended. Sound familiar? Maybe because cows are ingesting those same hormones to keep them 'breastfeeding' for as long as possible right before their painful teats are useless and they're sent to be ground up by Farmer Joe.
Getting used to a life without dairy is no easy task, as it is actually addicting...and probably a harder addiction to break than smoking and some drugs.
Here is an excerpt from an article in the Orlando Sentinel July 13 2003:
Of all the potentially addicting foods, cheese may be the most complex. In research studies using vegan and vegetarian diets to control cholesterol or reduce body weight, most participants soon forget the lure of ice cream, sour cream, and even burgers and chicken. But for many people, the taste for cheese lingers on and on. Yes, 70 percent of its calories may come from waist-augmenting fat, and, ounce for ounce, it may harbor more cholesterol than a steak. But that cheese habit is tough to break.
Why is cheese so addicting? Certainly not because of its aroma, which is perilously close to old socks. The first hint of a biochemical explanation came in 1981, when scientists at Welcome Research Laboratories in Research Triangle Park, N.C., found a substance in dairy products that looked remarkably like morphine. After a complex series of tests, they determined that, surprisingly enough, it actually was morphine. By a fluke of nature, the enzymes that produce opiates are not confined to poppies -- they also hide inside cows' livers. So traces of morphine can pass into the animal's bloodstream and end up in milk and milk products. The amounts are far too small to explain cheese's appeal. But nonetheless, the discovery led scientists on their search for opiate compounds in dairy products.
And they found them. Opiates hide inside casein, the main dairy protein. As casein molecules are digested, they break apart to release tiny opiate molecules, called casomorphins. One of these compounds has about one-tenth the opiate strength of morphine. The especially addicting power of cheese may be due to the fact that the process of cheese-making removes water, lactose and whey proteins so that casein is concentrated.
Enjoy your cheeseburgers!

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