> Basically, there's far too much information to repeat but I'll give you some basic cliff notes. The information I learned was only reinforcing What I've been reading about in Jenny mcCarthys books. (Check out my homepage at http://www.diaryofahealthnut.com/ to see what I'm reading now!).

> Some basic facts:
> Random factoid learned: a butterfly is the only species that ACTUALLY changes its DNA during metamorphosis!
> If you get chicken pox (which, btw, everyone had when I was a kid and no one died from it) you are immune for life. With the vaccine, it's not lifelong immunity.
> You only have a 20 WEEK window to have your infant vaccinated for rotavirus!!! What? 12-32 weeks. You mean to tell me my little baby with a developing immune system is supposed to get shots at that young with no other option??
> Yes, the life expectancy used to be much lower due to viral disease etc.....BUT many of those we now understand have more natural solutions. Example: unless you have a DEEP DIRTY wound that's sits dirty, you can easily clean a cut to avoid tetanus.
> In June 2011 Formaldehyde was officially declared a carcinogen. Something most of us have been saying for decades. Formaldehyde is in MOST vaccines! Yes, this means you are, in actuality, injecting cancer into your infant.
> Aluminum has a +2 charge, the same as Mercury, which is a KNOWN DEADLY TOXIN. Aluminum is not any different and is in most vaccines! For decades it has been a KNOWN NEUROTOXIN! It is harmful to all cells in the body. Aluminum concentrates in organs like the brain, liver and thyroid.
> Injections bypass the body's natural immune defense. Whether by design or evolution, our body's are generally efficient at protecting us. By injecting crap into our bodys, we are overriding that.
> 90% of Pertussis cases (Whooping Cough) are in developing countries. No matter what you do, it lasts 1-3 months.
> The Center for Disease Control (CDC) considers 3 cases nationally an Epidemic. (epidemic creates fear. Fear creates action. I.e. vaccines. =big money for Big Pharma!)
> Rubella aka 3 Day Measles only really affects pregnant women. But, we vaccinate our INFANTS?!? Hmmm...
> To all my VEGAN friends: many shots are NOT vegan and contain egg protein and gelatin. One of these is the FLU SHOT. Which, btw, only accounted for certain strains of the virus. Who can say what strain is going around this year? NO ONE. It's a waste. Fear.
> Systemic autoimmune disease an be related to repeated vaccinations!
> MSG is in the Varivax, Rotavirus ad MMRV vaccines! MSG! It is unquestionably a neurotoxin. We are not even supposed to EAT IT....but the CDC says INJECTING IT is ok?!?! Pay attention people! If you're not pissed off, you're not paying attention!
> We are literally injecting known toxins into our babies!
> Mississippi and West Virginia are the only states that require a Medical Exemption to not be vaccinated for school. Lesson: Dont Live In Mississippi or West Virginia! We're talking about our kids....our flesh and blood. I'd move my kids on a dime across the world to keep them safe.
> Autism is now 1:80
> Although vaccines cannot be blamed entirely for autism it is undeniably a major contributor.
> Vaccines 'flip a genetic swutch' and can allow pervasive diseases to develop such as autism, eczema, ADHD, allergic reactions...)
> 10 'healthy' newborns were tested in a study and found an average of 250 toxins in them!!
> This is the first time a generation is NOT predicted to outlive their parents!
> There ARE SOME circumstances when vaccine benefits outweighs risks. Sickle Cell Disease is one. If you are traveling to a developing country, this is another. Do your research!
> If you eat right and maintain a healthy lifestyle, your immune system will do it's job!
> Autism has seen a 6000% increase in the past 20 years!
> Asthma has seen a 400% increase.
> ADHD - 300% increase
> For you pro-lifers, the Rubella vaccine is grown on aborted fetus cells. Protest that next time you want to infringe on someone's rights!
The Daptacel: Acellualr Pertussis vaccine contains, amonng other things, Glutaraldehyde which causes Asthma. This lovely cootie cocktail also contains Phenoxyethanol, which is a substance also in jet fuel, paint laquer an is used as a stabilizer in perfumes. It breaks down to phenal & acetaldehyde, which can disable the immune mechanism.
Tween 80 is a substance found in most vaccines that assists other chemicals pass the blood-brain barrier. So, essentially, this is what can help all those other disgusting chemicals make a bee line for the brain. Great!!
Gardasil is the vaccine we've seen commercials for that supposedly will save out daughters from a life destined for cervical cancer! Within weeks of introducing this potent piece of shit, 4 of 120 girls died on India! They no longer sell it. Somehow, we do! So if you were in Infia and disappointed that you weren't in line fast enough, come on over here to the US! Because we couldnt care less about anything but the bottom profit margin! Aside from those tragic deaths, this vaccine only covers 4 of the over 100 HPV strains!!! And it only covers 2 effectively. So...if you are certain tht your daughter is going to be SUCH a skank that she will undoubtably contract at least 98 strains, the odds are probably in her favor that you get her vaccinated.
On that note, HEPATITIS B?!? Really? Because unless you plan on selling your you g precious baby into the sex slave industry or introducing them to your questionable lifestyle of sharing needles, their risk for getting this disease is virtually nonexistent. Suck on that.
> ------The following is me - not mentioned by Dr Franz ------
> Know what's in your vaccines! Don't allow yourself to be bullied by your doctor who SHOULD be looking out for your best interest and should support any decision you make, so long as it is an informed one!
> A local pediatric office here in Lakeland, FL, Lakeside Pediatrics will not allow their patients to be unvaccinated. I know of clients who were informed they were being DROPPED based on their decision to not vaccinate. Their excuse for dropping patients? That the unvaccinated patients were a risk to their healthy patients....YOU MEAN THE VACCINATED ONES? If the damn vaccines are so wonderful, I would be worrying about the UNvaccinated kids. Morons. Find another doctor!!! I went through 3 or 4 pediatricians before we could Dr Franz.
> According to books I've read, although Mercury or Thermosil was taken out of vaccines, they supposedly still contain trace amounts. Mercury is a DEADLY TOXIN. A DEADLY TOXIN IN SMALL DOSES IS STILL A DEADLY TOXIN!
> Keep your immune system healthy! I've blogged about my past before. I grew up sick all of the time. Not 'sickly', but I had strep throat all the time, tonsillitis was nothing new to me. 'walking pneumonia' was my diagnosis at least twice. I had Mono 'the kissing disease' in 6th grade....before I ever kissed someone that wasn't a family member! (and I mean that in the non-inbred context, lol). When I changed my diet 3 years ago now, I've had cold symptoms maybe 4 days in those 3 years. Eat mostly organic. No dairy. Remember: the 4 biggest sprayed crops are SOY, COTTON, CORN & CANOLA. Wheat is another big one. Don't eat these unless they are organic because otherwise you are more than likely consuming toxic materials.
> If you want to complain to someone that's not me....call Merck! 1-800-444-2080!

> ------The following is me - not mentioned by Dr Franz ------
> Know what's in your vaccines! Don't allow yourself to be bullied by your doctor who SHOULD be looking out for your best interest and should support any decision you make, so long as it is an informed one!
> A local pediatric office here in Lakeland, FL, Lakeside Pediatrics will not allow their patients to be unvaccinated. I know of clients who were informed they were being DROPPED based on their decision to not vaccinate. Their excuse for dropping patients? That the unvaccinated patients were a risk to their healthy patients....YOU MEAN THE VACCINATED ONES? If the damn vaccines are so wonderful, I would be worrying about the UNvaccinated kids. Morons. Find another doctor!!! I went through 3 or 4 pediatricians before we could Dr Franz.
> According to books I've read, although Mercury or Thermosil was taken out of vaccines, they supposedly still contain trace amounts. Mercury is a DEADLY TOXIN. A DEADLY TOXIN IN SMALL DOSES IS STILL A DEADLY TOXIN!
> Keep your immune system healthy! I've blogged about my past before. I grew up sick all of the time. Not 'sickly', but I had strep throat all the time, tonsillitis was nothing new to me. 'walking pneumonia' was my diagnosis at least twice. I had Mono 'the kissing disease' in 6th grade....before I ever kissed someone that wasn't a family member! (and I mean that in the non-inbred context, lol). When I changed my diet 3 years ago now, I've had cold symptoms maybe 4 days in those 3 years. Eat mostly organic. No dairy. Remember: the 4 biggest sprayed crops are SOY, COTTON, CORN & CANOLA. Wheat is another big one. Don't eat these unless they are organic because otherwise you are more than likely consuming toxic materials.
> If you want to complain to someone that's not me....call Merck! 1-800-444-2080!
Whoa. I've never had a chicken pox vaccine, but I have had as a child and an adult (as an adult it almost killed me). You may want to revise your Hep B statements as I was never sharing needles nor in the sex trade, but still consider myself at high risk and am vaccinated - took several attempts to be sure I had the antibody (private reason, but you'd be nothing to do with sex/drugs - you'd be surprised.... you are more at risk than you know). Please read BRIAN FRANKLIN and ANDREA FRANKLIN VS SECRETARY OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES. An interesting page that contains information about the doctor you cover in your article is on 19. Maybe is not a fact in autism. A fact is the chance that lack of vaccinations can cause issues for those children too young to get it.