Ladies and Gents...I present you with the worlds first vegan omelette! Ok, ok...not the first...but the BEST! Hold your applause....Its no secret I'm not really a vegan...just 99% of the time. I eat backyard chicken eggs for the nutrition they provide, but only seldomly as to not clog my beautiful arteries. The thing was, even though I ate eggs, I would only eat 1 at a time and maybe once a week, or less. So, my days of delving into a cheesy veggie filled omelette I thought were over. I used to make a damn good omelette. In fact, I had perfected the art of it. I am convinced I have now finally perfected the art of the vegan omelette as well.

As far as I know this has not been I'm pret-ty damn proud of this recipe. I knew tofu would have to be the 'egg', but I couldn't figure out how to hold it together so it wasn't just another tofu scramble. Then in came to me....drum roll please....
.....DAIYA CHEESE!!! Its cheesy. It melts. Its stretches. It binds. Its perfect!
And what could be more perfect??? How about a recipe that only had FIVE ingredients? You are only 5 ingredients away from the best vegan omelette ever made! I know, I know...where have I been your whole life?

As for the veggies, be creative! The thing about most of my recipes is that it allows for you to use what you have in many of them. Many times Ill be following a recipe and realize I forgot you don't have onions, use garlic, or peppers, or whatever you find in your fridge. The recipe calls for 3 C of veggies. I am personally a GIANT fan of the onion, mushroom and pepper combo, but use what you have. Spinach is great. Zucchini or yellow squash would be good. Yellow onion, white onion, red onion...whatever you have available will do. Also, if its time to head to your farmers market because you're low on veggies, you could also use Cheddar style Daiya as a filler, or some vegan deli 'meats', chopped up. Thats one of the reasons I loved omelettes to begin with! They're so easy and you can throw in whatever you have!
So...without further adieu...
....the worlds first Perfect Vegan Omelette
1 Block FIRM tofu, (NOT silken) drained
2 Tbsp prepared yellow mustard
1/3 C Daiya mozzarella style cheese
1 Tbsp vegan butter
3 C veggies for omelette (I used onions, mushrooms and bell peppers)
Salt, pepper and garlic powder to taste (optional)
In a food processor fitted with an S blade, process the tofu until smooth, stopping several times to scrape the sides and push clumps down. Add mustard and process again until it is a faint yellow color. Add the Daiya and pulse until just combined and slightly don't want chunks of 'cheese' but you don't want to pulverize it so much that it doesn't do its job to bind.
Now you can do both the omelette and veggies at the same time like I did, but if you suck at multitasking in the kitchen, do your veggies first and set the tofu mix aside until ready to cook.

Heat vegan butter in a skillet over medium heat. Add your veggies and cook about 8-10 minutes until softened. Remove from heat.
Now heres the fun part: Coat an omelette pan with non-stick cooking spray and turn the heat to medium-high. Before it starts smoking (Cancer alert! No smoking oil!) but is hot, add 1/3 C of the tofu mix. Now, it wont fall and spread like an egg does. It will fall into a pile. Use a spatula to spread it out to cover the pan. Holes will come through from the heat, but gently use your spatula to move the 'egg' to cover the holes until its a solid circle. I promise, once you start, its easy...its just fair warning that your not going to pour it into the pan and it spread like a normal omelette.
Allow it to sit there and cook over med-high heat (about 6-7 on an electric stovetop) for about 8 minutes. Using a spatula, you can test the sides to check that its ready...when its not liquid anymore and more pancake-like as far as 'flipability' goes, lol. When its done, pile your veggies onto one side of it. Then, using your spatula, carefully flip the other side over onto the veggies. Cook for an additional 2-3 minutes while the tofu mix covers and cooks into your veggies.
Voila! I swear...Its divine!! Try it!

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